Senin, 31 Januari 2011

Finding the Best Web Hosting in the Internet

Internet has been a great place for a lot of people to advertise their products or just to express themselves. There are so many people who are now using the internet as the most powerful tools of marketing and advertising. This is what we call as the internet marketing. The internet marketing uses internet as a place to advertise and sell the products of companies. It uses websites banners in the web hosting and ad sense to create brand and product awareness towards the customers.

If a person or a company wants to put their advertisement specially, they might have to create his or her own website using the web hosting. This is because when a company owns its own website; there will be a lot of people who think that this company is a bona fide one. If they want to have their own website, they are going to find some web hosting provider which is suitable for them. The problem is that there are so many webhosting providers on the internet and they might be new for this kind of things.

If this is the case, they will need some help from a review. If you want to find the best webhosting in the internet, there are so many website which will help you picking up one of the best web hosting using the web hosting review. This review ill help you to filter which of the thousands web hosting service providers is the best for you. You can sort this from the features or the price. You will be able to find the best and the most suitable web hosting provider when you read the review and sort the web hosting according to the features and the price of the web hosting service. So, plan your need of web hosting before you go.

Sabtu, 22 Januari 2011

Gold Ira and Gold 401K for Your Investments

Do you still think that doing investment is only in the real company with a very complicated procedure that you always do every day? Well, not always, because along with the development of the internet you are able to do all of your investment via online now. It will even better for you to do it via online, because you will be offered with so many various kinds of investments that you might have never done before.

One of the best sites that might be really interesting for you is This site will offer you with the most unique way in doing your investment. This site offers you to do the investment by using the gold. There are some types of gold that you are able to choose as your best investments, like 401k gold, and also IRA gold. These kinds of gold have been believed to be the easiest way of doing your investment easily.

By having the gold 401k as your investment, you will be able to do your investment safely. Even the government will never be able to do anything with your investment, and it will be easier for you to determine your investment future without the government also takes a hand in your investment. Besides, you are able to choose to use the gold IRA to do your gold IRA transfer to get your profit or not.

Kamis, 13 Januari 2011

Mencairkan AdSense Western Union Kantor Pos

Pengalaman Mencairkan AdSense lewat Western Union di Kantor Pos, Mencairkan AdSense Western Union Kantor PosPengalaman mencairkan Google Adsense di Western Union lewat Kantor Pos bukan saya saja yang mengalaminya, yakin itu. Mungkin sudah banyak yg punya mengalaman mencairkan kiriman dollar Google Adsense via Western Union lewat Kantor Pos.

Awalnya, tujuannya adalah ingin mencairkan AdSense melalui Western Union pada Bank Mandiri, namun salah satu cabang langganan Blogger Riau ini tidak melayani lagi pencairan Western Union. Terpaksalah mengambil opsi pencairan adsense Western Union Kantor Pos.

Awalnya agak ragu karena Kantor Pos sudah sesak, kesorean pula, sudah banyak teller tutup. Ragu mau mulai darimana proses pencairan Google AdSense yang dikirim melalui Western Union pertama kali tersebut.

Akhirnya mengambil formulir receive money Western Union. Isi data plus KTP penerima, pengirim Google inc, dll.

Ngantri sejenak. Petugas, bernama Novi, terlihat agak bingung dengan kiriman Google Adsense milik-saya. Data pengirim Formulir Western Union bukan nama orang tapi perusahaan Google. Betul-betul buat deg-degan, jangan2 tak bisa dicairkan, deng-deng-deng (lebaaa...y).

Si Novi langsung minta bantuan ke rekannya di samping ttapi tak clear, hingga perlu bantuan sang senior. Pengantri lain agaknya marah karena Publisher Google AdSense perdana, mencairkan lewat Western Union di Kantor Pos Pekanbaru ini Waste Time!

Akhirnya... Dengan satu pukulan stempel berbentuk palu, sempat diabadikan (lihat gambar), Google Adsense opsi pembayaran Western Union di Kantor Pos Pekanbaru untuk pertama kalinya cair!

Senin, 10 Januari 2011

Adab Berpakaian Bebas Bergaya

Adab berpakaian masyarakat kota Pekanbaru, khususnya remaja mulai berangsur berubah seiring berkembangnya kota ini mengarah ke kota metropolitan. Tidak ada lagi adab berpakaian layaknya orang berbudaya melayu.

Paling disorot adalah remaja putri, saat ini lebih banyak yang mengenakan hotpants, rok mini, legging dan baju tanpa lengan. Padahal adab berpakain budaya melayu itu, remaja putri selayaknya menggunakan baju kurung, mengurung segala sumber pemancing hawa nafsu lawan jenisnya. Upps... jangan menuduh Hendrawan sara ya, tapi pakaian seperti rok mini, hotpants, baju tak berlengan dengan belahan dada terlihat itu sebenarnya hanya dikenakan oleh penghuni Teleju!

Baiklah, bukan itu yang akan dibahas. Ini menyangkut umur Blogger Bertuah yang akan memasuki usia dua tahun. Teringat mula-mula ketika pertama kali merapatkan barisan dulu, tempat pertemuan seringkali tempat-tempat resmi hingga adab berpakaian Blogger-pun harus menyesuaikan tempat kopi darat tersebut.

Tak lucukan kalau bertemu di Agung An-Nur menggunakan baju kaos metal bergambar kepala tengkorak? atau Pakai sandal jepit, pakai sepatu tanpa kaos kaki ke Mal Pekanbaru juga gengsi walau hanya dilihat para Blogger Bertuah.

Nah, baru-baru ini Blogger Bertuah sudah dapat kerjasama dengan Telkom, Bertuah dapat layanan Speedy Unlimited dan telah pula memiliki sekre di Rumah Om Atta. Semenjak titik ini, Saya pribadi tak lagi berpikir mengenai adab berpakaian harus bagaimana. Ya sesuka hati lah datang pakai baju macam manapun, asal sopan.

Pokoknya sekarang kalau mau kopdar bebas bergaya, tak perlu memikirkan adab berpakaian lagi harus macam ini macam itu, karena yang didatangi juga sekre kita...Ya, lihatkanlah wujud asli Blogger itu.